Week 3 - Annotated Essay - 3D Acousitc Space PDF (Click - Login)
Read the following sections
-Physiological considerations
-Perceptual issues
-The Effect of the Acoustics of the Performance Space
The reading ‘3-D acoustic space and its simulation using Ambisonics’ by David Malham, describes how acoustic space can be interpreted differently due to direction perception mechanisms, some of which were described include Interaural Time Delay, Interaural Time Difference, and head movements of a person. Orientation of sounds sources in acoustic space can be analysed also from other perception mechanisms to do with distance. Some of which are determined by frequency, reverberation, loudness and early reflections.
David Malham is explaining how sound in space can be interpreted differently due to perception mechanisms. Human sound sense is incredible to the point where it provide insights of our spatial environment, which our sight perception sometimes wouldn’t recognise. Malham mentions about perceptual issues, such that “it is widely, but perhaps wrongly, accepted that when we talk about our perception of what we call reality, it is the visual sense is pre-eminent.” He goes on to describe how without the “correct soundscape they lose much of their depth, becoming just the picture.” A solution to the right perceptual spatial environment is through the “reality equivalence” of the sound and the visual. In terms of the effect of the acoustics of a performance space Malham mentioned that there are two concerns about ambsisonic diffusion.
Understanding how perception mechanisms help us observe our spatial environment is helpful when applying to solve an architectural problem. For example striving for reality equivalence in an architectural performance space is important. It is not only what you see with your eyes that determine reality but what you are able to hear provides this equivalence. Also in the design of a performance space, the designer needs to take great consideration when dealing with the local and effects and the overall acoustics. For example positioning speakers from any reflected surfaces can prevent diffusion of sound, and trying to get loudspeakers to reproduce sounds that appear closer. These are the consideration when designing a performance space that an architect must consider.
- David Malham, 3-D acoustic space and its simulation using Ambisonics.